Friday, May 11, 2007

Finance bods upset with purchase invoice processes

According to a recent survey by Version One (recently acquired by CedarOpenAccounts) senior finance professionals are dissatisfied with purchase invoice processes.

Their complaints included:
  • process is too slow
  • too much reliance on paper
  • invoices get mislaid and lost
  • human error during data entry (mis-keyed data and coding errors)
It was not a big sample, 150 companies were surveyed, but these complaints are commonly cited.

The interesting question is: so what are you prepared to do about it?

Every business has operational issues somewhere that people know are flawed and could be improved but that does not say they will be any time soon. The processing of purchase invoices remains for the majority a labour intensive, paper shuffling process, grumble grumble it's here somewhere I know it is, with computers recording the transactions.

Do we process paper smarter and faster or look to eliminate paper in pursuit of productivity and reducing the moaning?

As identified above, paper is a problem, basing improvements on how we process paper is; well you decide.

I suggest that the process you need is one that does not depend on paper.

Solutions abound and indeed CedarOpenAccounts are able to provide a range of solutions. Click here for information.

Click here for an update on eInvoicing

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