Thursday, February 08, 2007

Green invoicing

I'm not suggesting you print your invoices on green paper, quite the opposite I advocate you don't print your invoices.

With the need to save the planet and accountability for our own carbon emissions we can make a difference by NOT PRINTING INVOICES. It saves paper and is green.

How much paper?

Recent research indicates that every invoice has a paper trail of 6 sheets of A4 paper.

Print 1000 invoices a year and 6000 sheets of paper are consumed.

Stack that paper up and it reaches a height of 2.12 feet. What's all the fuss about?

Now let's say there are 1M businesses producing 1000 invoices per year.

That paper now stacks to a height of 1204 miles that is 186 times the height of Mount Everest.

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